Laurie Atkins
Gospel Singer/Musician, Composer, Actress, Playwrite
Laurie, at that time, was also seeking involvement in a music career. She was singing locally around Mississauga and Toronto and had the opportunity to tour Ontario with the Ontario Youth Theater. She wrote a third of the music for the production that year. As she moved into her 20's she realized more and more that something was missing in her life. She tried all kinds of things to bring her excitement and satisfaction but she kept coming up empty. The turning point was when she was 22. She had befriended a small group of Christians who invited her to a Bible study. Alone and in serious trouble, she felt completely abandoned. In the dark of one night she wanted to end her life. She had started to learn about God and called out to Him asking Him to give her the courage to take her life. The courage never came. In the fit of despair she called out again, "Lord, if you are really there come and help me clean up the mess I've created. I can't do this any more!"She discovered that God was true to His word. She fell into a peaceful sleep for the first time, it seemed, in weeks. In the morning everything looked different. She felt different. Unable to explain what happened, it was not until she went back to the Bible study that she realized she had invited Christ to take control of her life. Her story does not end there. She found that she was no longer comfortable doing the bar circuit, and gave her voice and talent to God. She studied music at the U of T Conservatory and Opera School and began writing music that reflects her faith in a loving, forgiving Saviour. In her mid 20's Laurie married the love of her life, Lorne, who is a gifted Electronics Engineer. They have 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys, who have added such a dynamic to their lives, and have been the inspiration of many songs. Lorne's testimony is not quite as dramatic as Laurie's, but it is just as moving as he reasoned the existence of God scientifically. His ability and knowledge of electronics has blended to two of them in a truly unique worship experience using lights and sound to get the message across that Jesus saves the lost and suffering. In her own words Laurie says; "Life is not always easy. One should never expect life to be perfect and prosperous just because you have invited Jesus into your heart. Each of us is destined to go through trials, but it is in those trials that we best learn just how much Jesus Christ loves us. In the years that followed my miraculous transformation,
I have come to realize how much support I have received from my Lord and
Saviour. In the blows that life throws at me I am always taken back by
the supernatural strength that I receive. He promises that he will not
let you suffer more than you can bear. It is as if God is saying in an
audible voice, It is because of His grace to me, undeserved as I am, that I have committed all that I am for His service. I truly do long for the day when Jesus will call me and say, "Well done
my good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things. Come and enjoy your master's
happiness." (Matthew 25:21)".